Payments for goods and services received through the Purchase Order process in POINTPlus:
Voucher typists in Accounts Payable prepare electronic VP1 payment documents for materials ordered through POINTPlus and delivered to Central Receiving. These VP1 payment documents are reviewed by voucher auditors in Accounts Payable for accuracy, completeness, and compliance with University, State, and Federal guidelines and regulations.
The ordering department initiates the electronic VP1 payment document for materials ordered through POINTPlus and not delivered to Central Receiving. If not a post-payment, these VP1 payment documents route forward electronically to be reviewed by voucher auditors in Accounts Payable, Travel Services and/or Independent Contractor/Tax Services. For more information on post-payments, consult askUS. These payment documents are prepared by departmental personnel for accuracy, completeness and compliance with University, State, and Federal guidelines and regulations.
Payments for goods and services received outside the Purchase Order process:
Voucher auditors in Accounts Payable, Travel Services, and/or Independent Contractor/Tax Services review payment documents prepared by departmental personnel for accuracy, completeness and compliance with University, State, and Federal guidelines and regulations.
Payments for goods and services ordered through the purchase order process in UTMarket:
All payments on UTMarket purchase orders are processed by Accounts Payable, not the ordering department.
Document Routing: