Update August 29, 2023
- Payment document creators and approvers need to ensure COVID-19 or COVID is listed on the transaction, such as in the DTN field or typed in the NOTes section of payment documents related to expenses for COVID-19, such as communication expenses, reimbursements, waived fees, and additional supplies.
If your department has not already done so, please set up upload access with Imaging Documentation Services (IDS) to image your department’s payment documents via UT Box. IDS is transitioning to electronic submission of all vouchers unless an exception is needed. They can assist you in setting up your unit to upload your future vouchers. Your department can begin preparing by accessing and reading the links below for important information:
IDS will then need to know which UPLOAD folders your team will need to use and which team members will need upload access. If you have any questions, please email oa.rec@austin.utexas.edu.
- Coversheets for payment documents can be the top portion of the TID printed coversheet which can be achieved by using the PRT action on a payment document in DEFINE and having it print to your computer screen. Then press the print screen button to print as an Adobe PDF, which can be merged with a PDF copy of the invoice and other supporting documentation. To change printing options for the print screen button in the Mainframe 3270, go to Options, Sessions, then Printer (on bottom left side) to go to select printer and change to print as Adobe PDF. Click Apply and then the OK button for changes to be accepted:

- Departments must continue to mark items received on UT Market purchase orders by creating electronic receiving documents in FRMS. If unable to do so, contact oa.ePayments@austin.utexas.edu and our staff will create the electronic receiving document for your department as long as you provide the UTEID of the person who received the item and receiving date. Not marking in items received from UT Market Orders will cause payment not to process and increase the risk of paying accrued late interest.
- For non-UT Market payments, such as VP1s, VP2s, and VPEs, a digitally certified email with date of receipt of goods/services stated within the email or invoice signed via DocuSign can be used in lieu of an actual physical date stamp for receiving of goods or services and date stamp for invoice received date.
- To obtain a digital certificate for email, follow the steps listed on the Information Technology Services’ webpage for Digital Certificate.
- DocuSign templates can be customized for your unit for a date stamp for receiving of goods or services and invoice received stamp. To set this up for your department, send an email to DocuSign Support in Records and Information Management Services via rims@austin.utexas.edu
- Accounts Payable (AP) will continue to process payment invoices for purchase orders with items shipped through CDS.
- Please refer to the Vendor Identification (VID) sections web page for assistance with setting up a vendor record in DEFINE or adding an mailing address or other information: https://purchasing.utexas.edu/ap/vendor-identification-vid-section.
- If your department needs assistance in completing a PIF via DocuSign or getting an invoice or payment coversheet signed via DocuSign please refer to DocusSign’s COVID-19 instructions: https://docusign.utexas.edu/coronavirus.
- AP and Travel will continue to accept RUSH. Please follow the RUSH procedures as outlined in Ask US # 3994: https://ut.service-now.com/csm?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0022425.
- Following is a list of group emails to contact AP, Travel or VID:
- All inquiries for UT Market purchase order invoices, receiving information or payments should be sent to oa.ePayments@austin.utexas.edu.
- All Travel inquiries should be sent to oa.travel@austin.utexas.edu.
- All AP inquiries should be sent to oa.ap@austin.utexas.edu.
- All cash advance inquiries should be sent to oa.cashadvances@austin.utexas.edu.
- All vendor set up inquiries should be sent to vid@austin.utexas.edu.