All payment voucher supporting documentation submitted to Accounting and Financial Management is scanned for permanent storage and retrieval. In order to expedite documentation scanning, persons who prepare payment vouchers should follow these document preparation guidelines:
Print the Voucher Transmittal Form (VTF) using the PRT Action of the document. This form is attached to the TOP of the supporting documentation and forwarded to Imaging & Documentation Services, mail code K6000; Main Building, room 132. Do not write above the dotted line on the transmittal form. (You may make notes on the lower part of the form.)
Keep all invoices, receipts, and other supporting documentation in order behind the referencing VTF.
Payment vouchers are to be paid from original invoices. If the original invoice is unavailable, "Original Unavailable" must be stamped or written on the invoice copy and signed by an authorized signer.
One-sided receipts or invoices that are smaller than a standard size check should be taped to a blank sheet of paper. Tape down all four sides/edges of the receipt. Do NOT cover any information when taping items down. You may put more than one receipt to a page. Just make sure all pertinent information is showing. Use as many pages as necessary.
For newspaper articles and advertisements, cut out the date, article/ad, and the name of the publication, and tape the information to a blank sheet of paper.
Pages longer than standard 8 ½" x 11" but shorter than 8 ½" x 14" can be scanned as is. Pages longer than 8 ½" x 14" should be folded to fit without covering or cutting off any pertinent information.
Use only one staple or clip to hold the voucher transmittal form and documentation together. For bulky documents, two rubber bands, one in each direction, works well. Make sure you do not staple through any of the characters above the dotted line on the VTF.
After all electronic departmental approvals are complete, forward the transmittal form and documentation to the address shown on the transmittal form.
Sending Attachments
Follow these additional instructions for documents requiring attachments to be mailed with the check:
Two copies of the first page of the VTF are needed. Make one copy of the documentation that should be attached to the check, and staple it behind one copy of the VTF. Put the VTF and attachments at the back of the voucher documentation packet.
Use one staple in the upper left corner to hold the original VTF, supporting documentation, and attachments together. The VTF should be on TOP of the documentation. Make sure you do not staple through any of the characters above the dotted line on the VTF.
Forward the transmittal form and documentation to the address shown on the transmittal form.